Secondary feedback

vasil, Sat Jun 24 2006, 04:01PM

Just got finished my first secondary base driven coil. The output of the little ferrite toroid is connected direct to the old antenna, through a 2 kohms resistor.

Nothing special.....but I feel happy. Nomore strike danger to an exposed antenna....
The base of the coil has the old driver, the parts are harvested from junk pile...

Re: Secondary feedback
Marko, Sat Jun 24 2006, 04:37PM

It's a normal SSTC isn't it? rolleyes

I also like it much more than antenna.

Nomore strike danger to an exposed antenna....

With blocking diodes I never had problems with this.

I used to have streamers from my antenna's, and could draw arcs with them without causing any trouble.

Diodes clamp it nicely as current is very low, but some more supply rail noise may be generateds that way.