Strike Through Text...

Patrick, Tue Feb 01 2011, 11:03PM

If in this .org or the next revision that is to be implemented... if it were possible to have a "Strike Through" button right next to the italic, bold, underscore buttons that woud be helpful.

There are times when I need to go back up through the thread and cross out old text, but still want it visible so others can see that things have changed. Also spell cheking would help.
Re: Strike Through Text...
Chris Russell, Thu Feb 03 2011, 03:29AM

Sepll cehkcnig has been on the wsih lsit for a wlhie now.

But seriously, I'm going to move this on over to the suggestion box. If anyone else has any input, please feel free to add it.
Re: Strike Through Text...
Doubl3 Helix, Sun Apr 10 2011, 03:33PM

I think that both of those features would be fantastic additions!