Dry Ice

Nik, Mon May 29 2006, 09:44PM

I just got about 20lbs (~7Kg) of dry ice. Most of it will be used to keep my lunch cold but I will most likely have some that doesn’t melt by tomorrow night. What kind of cool things can you do with this stuff? (BTW I got it for free at Praxair because it was at the bottom of the bucket and a little bit crushed) Huzza for free things.

*edit* I tried a peizo sparker in the CO2 gas and to my suprize it would not arc.
Re: Dry Ice
Alfons, Mon May 29 2006, 09:49PM

You could make a cosmic ray detector... (= cloud chamber) Link2 that seems really cool cheesey
Re: Dry Ice
Maz, Tue May 30 2006, 12:26AM

not very serious answer V

you could use it to ship out large quantities of cheese....

make ice cream with it?
Re: Dry Ice
Nik, Tue May 30 2006, 12:51AM

I've tried the standard google experiments; blow bubbles into the box and watch them flaot on the CO2 vapor, singing spoon, fog filled bubbles etc. I will be getting a source of radiation in the next few hours and I will try the cosmic ray detector.
Re: Dry Ice
..., Tue May 30 2006, 02:43AM

The cosmic ray detector will not work for cosmic rays, but will work with a decent alpha source (smoke detector anyone?). Just make sure that the source is inside the camber (the chamber will block out the radiation). It also helps to shine a bright source of light in the side (ultra bright led might work, a fiber illuminator from a microscope would be ideal) to see the tracks. Don't be discouraged it it doesn't work, they are a very picky devices. Make sure that you warm up the chamber after adding the methanol to fill it with methanol vapor, then super cool it. If you see fog forming on its own you went too far and you need to let it warm up and try again. If you run into too many problems I can send you a scan of the manual to mine.

As to other stuff...
Drop ~1cc of it into a glass of some sugary drink (like Hawaiian Punch, Sunny Delight, grape juice, whatever-just make sure it is really sugary) and walk around with the bubbling brew. After the bubbles subside drink the carbonated juice cheesey
Re: Dry Ice
Nik, Tue May 30 2006, 02:59AM

D'oh, it was ethanol not methanol in my rubbing alcohol container. Well that explains that. (My alpha source is from a smoke detector.) I also discoverd the carbonating abilities of dry ice this afternoon on my own. I was shocked to find that the water was not only cold but fizzy.
Re: Dry Ice
Bored Chemist, Tue May 30 2006, 08:05AM

"The cosmic ray detector will not work for cosmic rays"
Why not?
I saw one in the science museum that worked perfectly well.
Re: Dry Ice
..., Tue May 30 2006, 02:04PM

I am not sure why, but I have yet to see a cosmic ray in mine--ever. I am not sure if it is that they are stopped by the polycarbonate (seems unlikely), or that they just aren't big enough to create a trail, the only trials I ever saw were the strait alpha's coming from the source.
Re: Dry Ice
HV Enthusiast, Tue May 30 2006, 03:23PM

You could make a sound amplifier. Put some dry ice in a balloon, just a small amount enough to fill the balloon with CO2 and then place balloon a few inches from your ear and listen for faint sounds. Just be sure not to overinflate the balloon or leave chunks of dry ice in it which could cause the balloon to explode damaging your ears.
Re: Dry Ice
Avalanche, Tue May 30 2006, 04:18PM

Drop a load into a bowl of hot water, it creates 'heavy smoke' that leaves the top of the bowl and flows across the surface of the bench.
Re: Dry Ice
Simon, Wed May 31 2006, 02:03AM

... wrote ...

I am not sure why, but I have yet to see a cosmic ray in mine--ever. I am not sure if it is that they are stopped by the polycarbonate (seems unlikely), or that they just aren't big enough to create a trail, the only trials I ever saw were the strait alpha's coming from the source.
I can't comment in full depth, but alpha particles are easier to pick up than other kinds of radiation. It could be something as simple as that.
Re: Dry Ice
McFluffin, Wed May 31 2006, 02:19AM

I just built a Rue Goldberg machine for AP physics as an end of the year project. I used a laser for one of the steps and we decided to get some dry ice to make the laser more visible. Looks pretty cool.
I think you could also put some phenophaline in some water with a bit of NaOH. Add some dry ice and it should go from pink to clear from carbonic acid forming.
Re: Dry Ice
Desmogod, Wed May 31 2006, 02:51AM

I can't believe nobody has suggested a 3 litre coke bottle, a bit of water, and some dry ice......
Re: Dry Ice
Michael W., Wed May 31 2006, 02:59AM

People tend to like to keep their eyes, limbs, face etc....
Re: Dry Ice
Tesladownunder, Wed May 31 2006, 05:06PM

There is a methanol cosmic ray detector in the science museum where I have my lifter and Maglev display. Works great to visualise cosmic rays. I couldn't get it to work with an alpha source and couldn't work out why. Even allowing for an hour of temp equilibration. Perhaps the metal disturbed the temp gradient too much.

Re: Dry Ice
Nik, Wed May 31 2006, 09:13PM

Well all the dry ice is gone, when I get some more I will continue the cosmic-ray decector. Thanks for all the comments
Re: Dry Ice
mike0t4ever, Sat Jun 03 2006, 07:15PM

Avalanche wrote ...

Drop a load into a bowl of hot water, it creates 'heavy smoke' that leaves the top of the bowl and flows across the surface of the bench.

"bench eh" for our experiment it was the washroom floor (just don't flush it until all of the dry ice turns into a gas or else the plumbing can explode)
Re: Dry Ice
cbfull, Sat Jun 03 2006, 08:00PM

We have two long (about 36") aluminum plates at work, about 1/2" thick and 8" wide. If you put a piece of dry ice between them and let the plates squeeze it, it makes a horrible screaming sound.

The first time I did this people from other labs came to see what was making that sound. It's even louder if you push down on it.
Re: Dry Ice
evilgecko, Sat Jun 03 2006, 11:36PM

I totally agree with the coke bottle and dry ice idea! They are relatively safe compared to other illict ways of making large bangs. Neighbours can be a problem though. If you have any pride just make sure no-one sees you rummaging around the the rubbish bin for used bottles. Its all about recycling!

This is kinda kewl but if you but a can of shaving cream in dry ice you can then cut away the can and are left with a solid block of shaving foam which will expand like crazy when it unfreezes. I've heard of it being put up peoples exhaust pipes but do as you please.