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What are the most interesting vacuum tubes in your collection?

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Dr. Dark Current
Sat Mar 10 2012, 01:45PM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 3384
Hi Luceš,
I exchanged th GU-80 with a friend for a GU-81 a long time ago, I needed two 81's for a VTTC. The GU-80 is still pretty common around here, the 81 is superior, and I think there are more rare tubes in my collection than the GU80.
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Proud Mary
Sat Mar 10 2012, 02:05PM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
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Kilovac H-8 Vacuum Relay SPST 12kV

Radial view

8 Radial View

Axial view

8 Axial View

12 kV is maximum hot switching voltage.
Actuator voltage is 26.5V, winding resistance 265Ω.
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Dr. Dark Current
Thu Apr 05 2012, 10:26PM
Dr. Dark Current Registered Member #152 Joined: Sun Feb 12 2006, 03:36PM
Location: Czech Rep.
Posts: 3384
GM100: A really oversized triode (note the standard "noval" tube for size comparison), with 1 kW of plate dissipation. Has pure tungsten cathode so not much emission, can you think of any cool use?

1333664659 152 FT109016 P971
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Tue Jun 05 2012, 08:09PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
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Proud Mary wrote ...

1b Side View  Labelled

Interesting colors!
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Tue Jun 05 2012, 08:45PM
Conundrum Registered Member #96 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
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Shall I post the picture of that "flat" CRT?

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Sun Sept 02 2012, 12:33PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
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ZV 1009 "Velocitron" Klystron
Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If: 0.68 Ampere / -: Indirect /
Description Metal-ceramic klystron, derived from 6BL6; 1500 to 6000 MHz; can be operated CW, pulsed or FM. Pee-wee 4 pin base; external cavity. Made to Polarad specs under WE patents.
Pin 1 - control electrode, pin 2,4 - heater, pin 3 - cathode; resonator grids to the two rings on the body; reflector to cap.
Info taken from: Link2

1346589230 1938 FT109016 Zv 1009 1 1346589230 1938 FT109016 Zv 1009 2
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Sun Sept 02 2012, 01:00PM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
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EMI 9524 Photomultiplier

1 2 3

EMI photomuliplier tube type 9524S (ser no 60678). 14 pin base.
30mm diameter, 112mm long, 11 dynodes, responds to light wavelengths from 320nm to 630nm.
Low dark current, typical sensitivity 50uA/lm, 20.5% peak Q.E.

Lime soda glass window, S-11 type photocatode; 11 dynodes coated with CsSb. 14 pin, B14B base. Intended for scintillation counter applications.
EMI/US, North Hollywood, CA, USA, known manufacturer.
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Tue Sept 04 2012, 05:11AM
2Spoons Registered Member #2939 Joined: Fri Jun 25 2010, 04:25AM
Posts: 615
GU-81M pentode, 300pF 15kV vacuum capacitor, and an A101 Dekatron counting tube.
Somewhere I have a box full of old radio tubes my grandfather gave me - must trawl through and see whats in there.
1346735500 2939 FT109016 Photo0461
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Wed Sept 05 2012, 07:36AM
radhoo Registered Member #1938 Joined: Sun Jan 25 2009, 12:44PM
Location: Romania
Posts: 700
UX-6653, Raytheon, 1941

6653 Raytheon 1 6653 Raytheon 2 6653 Raytheon 3

TR-Switch tube used in Radar. I am looking for its datasheet, does anyone have it?
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Proud Mary
Sat Sept 08 2012, 07:17PM
Proud Mary Registered Member #543 Joined: Tue Feb 20 2007, 04:26PM
Location: UK
Posts: 4992
radhoo wrote ...

TR-Switch tube used in Radar. I am looking for its datasheet, does anyone have it?

I don't have the data sheet, unfortunately, Radhu, but I can say a few things about your device which may help you.

This device is made to be installed in a rectangular waveguide. The distance between the two external disc seals is the short height of rectangular waveguide. The disc seals would have fitted into machined and rabetted holes in the waveguide wall.

As you now know the height of the waveguide cross section, you can look it up in a table of waveguide dimensions to find the frequency range.

Later TR switches were fitted with a separate HT terminal supplied from a high Z source of a few kV.

In your case, I suggest you connect the disc seals across a high Z variable supply (put in a high value resistor as with neons) and turn up the voltage until the gap just begins to glow (in the dark). Back off a little way from this, and that will be your keep alive voltage.

With no keep-alive voltage, ionisation will not occur quickly enough to short out the waveguide, and the leading edge of the microwave pulse will get through and destroy the receiver.

The cathode is the hollow electrode.

As a guess only, and by the look of the thing, I would expect it was designed for operation at perhaps 3 GHz, but you must make your measurements to find out. smile
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