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Hoverboard ideas

Move Thread LAN_403
Sat Feb 28 2015, 06:00AM Print
Conundrum Registered Member #96 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
Location: CI, Earth
Posts: 4061
Hi all.
I see that Hendo now have a somewhat working hoverboard which uses the spinning Halbach array technique to generate lift on a conductive surface.

This is halfway there, however it needs to work on any surface to be useful.
My idea is to use a scanner that reads the surface molecular structure and projects onto it the correct laser wavelengths and electric charge to knock the surface atoms into a Rydberg state (briefly) using a UV laser array then a rotating magnet array to push off the surface.

The inspiration for this is concrete sometimes luminesces for a while when exposed to daylight or ionizing radiation and this could be due to CaS or BaS on or just beneath the surface which is in a trapped quantum state similar to glow-in-the-dark (GITD) compounds and also YBCO can superconduct even at room temperature if exposed to the correct waveform of ultrashort IR pulse.
If this could be modified to become conductive even for a few us that would be enough to generate lift without the whole surface being made of copper.

The interesting feature of this approach is that a lot of existing technology can be used and it would be a lot safer than the magnetic bottle approach which would need room temp. superconductors and an absurd amount of energy.

Any ideas?
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Sat Feb 28 2015, 10:38AM
BigBad Registered Member #2529 Joined: Thu Dec 10 2009, 02:43AM
Posts: 600
It's pretty implausible.

These levitation systems need incredibly conductive thick plates. Concrete just isn't going to work even if you could make the surface somewhat conductive, it's not nearly enough
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Sat Feb 28 2015, 12:11PM
dexter Registered Member #42796 Joined: Mon Jan 13 2014, 06:34PM
Posts: 195
maybe with James Bond sized lasers and microfusion cells from other sci-fy's..... :)
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Sat Feb 28 2015, 01:06PM
Conundrum Registered Member #96 Joined: Thu Feb 09 2006, 05:37PM
Location: CI, Earth
Posts: 4061
It would be interesting to see if a compound which is strongly diamagnetic in the Z axis like pyrolytic graphite if mixed with concrete on just the surface would be conductive enough for a rapidly *moving* hoverboard to maintain flight.

A dual layer ie copper topped with PG then sealed with something like Al2O3 might do the job, and be relatively cheap to lay as copper sheet in this form is readily available from scrap batteries and other industry.

EDIT: Might have found a way to make it work without spinning anything, its all in the board.

EDIT 2: If anyone is interested in funding this let me know via PM. It should be very efficient, comparable with a model helicopter but substantially higher tech.
The concept I've come up with should work on any surface, can't say any more yet until I've done a patent search!

EDIT: Might work in space, unfortunately unlikely to be useful unless I can get hold of some superconductors that work above 250K.

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